Helping People See the Light of Christ

There are few experiences like going to Kenya. Standing near the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro to seeing giraffes and zebras on the plains, Kenya is a truly beautiful land. But the adventure and the beauty in the land pales in comparison to the opportunities and the experience of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who have never heard it before.

Once or more a year, we send two or more teams of short-term missionaries to villages and towns in Kenya. If you or your congregation is interested in joining in this mission work, we invite you to find out more by contacting Richard or Marilyn Lynch (Trinity Ablaze in Kenya Mission Coordinators for Trinity Lutheran Church) or by downloading the PDF below.



1Passport and Visa InfoPassport and Visa InfoEach missionary MUST have a passport that is valid for at least 6-months after the departure date to Kenya. Each missionary MUST have a passport that is valid for at least 6-months after the departure date to...Each missionary MUST have a passport that is valid for at least...
2ImmunizationsImmunizations Important recommended immunizations include Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus, Yellow Fever, Typhoid, and Polio. Important recommended immunizations include Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus, Yellow Fever, Typhoid, and... Important recommended immunizations include Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus,...
3Packing ListPacking ListSpecifics are sent to participants after their application has been accepted.Specifics are sent to participants after their application has been accepted.Specifics are sent to participants after their application has been...

Quotes from past attendees and partners...

“God has a vision for Kenya. He is already at work there. His Spirit is on the move”

“The celebration that will one day occur in heaven will be a joyous affair, and I for one, know there will be praise sung to God in Maasai. Trips to Kenya, in partnership with the Kenyan Ministry of Health and the local congregations, accomplish two things: 1. Adding to that chorus through God’s divine intervention 2. Dress rehearsal for that day in heaven when we will all sing in Maasai and English in common understanding of how great our God is.”

“As we plant seeds with the pastors and evangelists, we are confident in the fact that God’s Word does not return void. God is softening hearts, opening eyes and changing lives through the work being done in Kenya.”


How Can Your Church Become a Partner?

How can my church get involved?

There are a few ‘tiers’ of option for getting involved- click ‘Partner Info’ to read more…